Monday, September 16, 2013

Paint In Layers With Oil Paints

Painting in layers is a traditional method often used with oil paints, and, occasionally, with acrylics. It allows the artist to exert control over the texture and colors of the painting. This method can take weeks or months to complete, as the artist must allow the layers to dry in between painting sessions. Learn paint in layers with oil paints by using these steps.


1. Build out a range of color mixes on your palette with a palette knife.

2. Using linseed oil or a similar medium, thin the opaque colors on your palette until they are nearly translucent.

3. Apply your first layer of paint, called the "underpainting." The underpainting should simply be the dark, medium and light values blocked out in a thin layer of paint. Allow the paint to dry.

4. Apply a second layer of paint to sketch out the composition and get more detailed with the values. Allow the paint to dry.

5. Add in the colors, starting with the warmest colors first. Block them on the canvas without too much concern for detail and line, blending the edges of the color shapes together. Allow to dry.

6. Start adding details to the painting and go back over previous layers with more thin glazes of color. Repeat until completed (always allowing layers to dry in between).