Aqua blue color is often used to paint landscapes and oceans.
Mixing colors to form new color shades is a common occurrence in painting. The term "color theory" refers to a set of rules of color mixing. On a color scheme, the colors red, blue and green can be used to mix and create most color. White is often needed to lighten the color to create a pastel form. Colors are mixed on a pallet or paint can to form what is known as a color "wash."
1. Determine the amount or volume of paint needed for your project. Use an empty paint or coffee can to pour and mix the paint.
2. Pour a decent amount of sky blue paint into the empty paint or coffee can. Pour a small amount of leaf green paint into the can. Use a ratio of 5-to-1 with five parts sky blue and one part leaf green.
3. Mix the colors of paint in the can using a wooden stir stick to swirl the paint and mix the colors together. Thoroughly mix the colors until it has developed into an aqua blue color. Mix a small amount of white paint into the mixture to lighten the color as needed.