Friday, April 12, 2013

Handle A Motherinlaw

It's said that you don't marry a person, you marry a family. Just as your own family has its complexities and uniqueness, so will your spouses. The challenge is getting to know handle each member in your spouse's family, including your mother-in-law.


1. Listen. Be open to getting to really know who your mother-in-law is. The more you get to know her, the more you'll understand her likes and dislikes, where the two of you are likely to mesh well, and where you may tend to have differences of opinion.

2. Reach out to your mother-in-law from the very beginning. Show her how much you love your spouse, and how happy you are to be a part of the family. Your interest will emit a friendly, welcoming attitude.

3. Be careful complaining about your mother-in-law to your spouse. Remember that it's difficult to hear negative things about your own parents, and what may only seem like venting to you may be very hurtful to your spouse. You do not want to come between your spouse and your mother-in-law.

4. Establish yourself as part of the family and not an outsider. For some people, accepting someone new can be difficult. Make your mother-in-law feel comfortable around you by asking her personal questions and showing genuine interest in your shared family.

5. Demand respect. You should never feel the need to take disrespect from someone, including someone in your family. Stand up for yourself if you feel this is the case.

6. Accept your mother-in-law as a part of your life and family, whether or not you have a close personal relationship.