Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Glue Styrofoam

Styrofoam Adhesive from 3M

Want to know glue Styrofoam for a project? Read on to learn just how easy gluing Styrofoam for any of your Styrofoam projects can be!


1. Styrofoam glue or Styrofoam adhesive is best for any project involving Styrofoam. While normal white glue can work, it's often easier and more effective to use Styrofoam glue instead of regular glue.

2. Have your Styrofoam project plans drawn up ahead of time. Styrofoam glue is very effective, so you want to make sure you know what you're doing before you glue the wrong pieces together.

3. Have your plans, and use the Styrofoam glue to attach the various Styrofoam pieces as needed.

4. Let sit for a few minutes to let the glue dry. If you are not using Styrofoam glue and the glue won't dry, consider using tooth picks to help the process.

5. Follow your project specs to completion, preferably using Styrofoam glue for maximum efficiency and effectiveness.