Thursday, April 24, 2014

Paint A Mountain Bike Frame

A fresh coat of paint can transform an old, familiar mountain bike into something that looks brand new.

A fresh coat of paint can transform an old, familiar mountain bike into something that looks brand new. Whether you want to completely overhaul your bike's base color or put a fresh coat on an old, worn-out finish, you can do so if you know the proper techniques. However, before you attempt to paint your bike, you need to know the proper preparation and application steps or you're likely to end up with an unattractive finish that won't hold up over time.


1. Detach all parts from the frame using a crescent wrench, including the chain, seat, and handlebars.

2. Apply acetone paint remover to the frame with a two-inch paintbrush. Allow the remover to soak in for four minutes.

3. Scrape away the old paint using the plastic putty knife.

4. Wash the frame using detergent, water and a coarse brush. Allow the surface to dry completely.

5. Sand down any rough or jagged areas using a power sander. Sand the frame smooth using fine 300-grit sandpaper.

6. Spray a thin layer of bike primer on one side of the frame. Allow the surface to dry for two hours. Flip the frame over and prime the other side.

7. Allow the surface to dry completely and then apply paint in the same manner as you did the primer. Apply four coats to the frame, waiting a period of two hours between each coat to allow the previous coat to dry.