Thursday, April 3, 2014

Make A Spray Paint Art Planet

The new craze of spray paint art is easy to learn, and you can become quite the expert so long as you know how much paint you are putting onto any single area on your canvas or board. Planets are a common subject for many spray paint artists, and they make a good project for beginners.


1. Place your board in a ventilated area. If you are working outside, any breeze will blow the overspray of the paint onto other objects, or other areas of your painting while you are working.

2. Using multiple colors of spray paint, create a mottled effect on your board. This will eventually become the surface of your planet. Don't let the paint dry while you are working. The paint will blend itself while it is wet creating a nice flow of colors over the planet's surface.

3. Place the coffee can over an area of blended color. Spray the black spray paint around the outside of the coffee can, and over any other areas of your board that you wish to appear black.

4. Add a small spritz of white spray paint along one-third of the coffee can edge. This will appear as a highlight for the planet once the can is removed.

5. Remove the can and add details to the planet's surface. Wait for 15 to 30 minutes for the spray paint to start setting, and spray the clear coat enamel finish over the top. This will help protect your painting.