Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Make A Styrofoam Planet

When learning about astronomy, students will often be asked to make a model of a planet from Styrofoam. This is fun a project that does not take a long time and provides a hands-on approach to learning. It can be repeated to make replicas of all the planets we know and used to eventually put together a model of our solar system.


1. Consult a picture of your planet to determine which colors of paint are needed (see Resources for some suggestions).

2. Dab a bit of paint onto the sponge. Pat the ball with the sponge until it is covered in paint.

3. Leave the wet ball on top of a piece of newspaper and wait approximately 30 minutes for this first coat of paint to dry.

4. Repeat Step 2 to apply a second coat of paint. Depending on the planet you are making, you may want to use a different color paint for this second coat.

5. Measure with a ruler and cut off a piece of fishing line at least 12 inches long. This length will make it easier to hang your planet once it is finished.

6. Tie together the two ends of the fishing line that you cut so that you are left with a loop.

7. Attach the loop of fishing line to the planet with a small dab of glue once the planet is completely dry.

8. Suspend the planet from the ceiling or a wall by hanging the fishing line loop on a hook.