Thursday, July 25, 2013

Mix Polane Paint Using Catalyst & Reducer

Polane paints are best applied with a paint gun.

Polane paints are two-component enamels designed for use on metal, plastics or wood. They dry to a hard finish and were designed for maximum durability. Although some paints of this type are pre-mixed with the catalyst before purchase, Polane paints are mixed by the consumer just before use. Because Polane paint is best applied with a paint gun, a reducer is also necessary. Different finishes of the Polane line of paints have different ratios of paint to catalyst. Find the proper ratio for your paint on the paint label or the paint's technical data sheet. The percentage of reduction is also listed.


1. Check the ratios on the paint can or data sheet. Polane T paint is a low-gloss textured paint and is mixed 6:1 with catalyst, then reduced 25 percent. Polane High Solids, or HS, paint is mixed 2:1 with the catalyst and then 2 to .75 parts reducer.

2. Pour the paint into a clean bucket or empty paint gun bottle. Stir with a stir stick for several minutes until the paint is a uniform color.

3. Pour the catalyst into the paint slowly, stirring as it's added. Mix well. Add the reducer in the same manner.

4. Add paint to the paint gun pot if you mixed a larger amount of paint in a separate bucket. Apply paint to the surface with a paint gun. Allow it to dry for at least 20 minutes or until dry to the touch before recoating. The paint cures fully in eight to 12 hours.