Teach reading with poetry books.
Poetry is a useful tool in teaching children to read. Poetry often contains rhyming patterns and sight words, which are both necessary in teaching reading. Another benefit to using poetry for reading instruction is children enjoy reading poems. Kindergartners enjoy the predictable text and silly words in poems. Reading short poems helps to build confidence in early readers who are unsure of their reading skills.
1. Decide which poems are appropriate for your pupils. Look for poems that are short, have a rhyming pattern and contain easy kindergarten sight words. Consider the interests in your class -- if some of your children like cats, a poem about cats would be a good fit for your group. Another focus is to tie in social studies or science concepts.
2. Introduce the poem to your class. Display the poem so the children can see the words. Read the poem out loud to your class, pointing at each word as you read. Include motions to parts of the poem where appropriate.
3. Invite students to practice the poem with you. Guide your class through a choral read of the poem. Continue to point under the words each time the poem is read to your class.
4. Provide students opportunity to practice the poem with you. Read the poem over several class periods, providing familiarity with the words.
5. Distribute a paper copy of the poem for your pupils to illustrate. The children should maintain the poem in a poetry folder so they can use and practice it later.
6. Present a new poem to your class each week. Include new sight words each week for children to practice. Continue to revisit previously introduced poems on a regular basis, helping the children practice.