Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Mix Oil Paint To Get Gray

Oil paintings require a variety of colors and blending of colors.

Oil painting requires the ability to mix and blend colors to create the desired finished piece that looks true to life. While there are many different pre-made colors available, some oil paint artists will blend standard colors to create different hues. This is especially useful when a certain color, in this case gray, is needed and the artist lacks a pre-made container of gray paint.


1. Determine if you want an opaque gray or a transparent gray. Opaque gray will be duller while transparent will be brighter. Use Mars Black for opaque or Ivory Black for transparent.

2. Squeeze a small amount of the chosen black oil paint onto a paint palette. If it is not in a squeeze container use a small brush to collect some paint out of the can and transfer it onto the palette.

3. Place a small amount of white oil paint on top of the black paint on the palette. Use a small stirring stick to thoroughly mix the two paints. If the gray does not match the hue you want, proceed to Step 4.

4. Add another small amount of white paint to the mixture and blend. Continue to add small amounts of the white paint until you reach the hue you want. If you accidentally add too much and make the gray too light add a small amount of the black paint to darken the mixture.