Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Identify Different Types Of Fireworks

You can find several types of fireworks available for consumers and many more varieties sold to professional pyrotechnic experts worldwide. First invented by the Chinese over two thousand years ago, fireworks are a staple addition to many celebrated events across the globe. Read through the steps found here to better identify different types of fireworks.


1. Look at the size of the firework to identify the type. The largest fireworks are available only to professionals and require a pyrotechnic license to obtain.

2. Read the label on the firework's packaging. All information about the firework's weight, colors and other technical data should be printed clearly somewhere on the item or its package.

3. Identify rocket type fireworks by their long cylindrical shape an aerodynamic tips. These types of fireworks fly and can travel to great heights.

4. Note the fountain type fireworks produce a shower effect display. These are common and are a favorite for younger firework watchers.

5. Watch for artillery shell type fireworks that are loaded into tubes and launched into the air. These fireworks are round in shape like a cannon ball and are professional-grade fireworks.

6. Notice the colors of the different fireworks. Differing colored explosions will help to identify their particular chemical make up. Red explosions contain strontium or lithium whereas blue displays have a copper base.