Thursday, June 5, 2014

Paint Bonnet Stripes

Give your car a new look with bonnet stripes, also known as hood stripes.

Painting stripes onto your car bonnet, better known in the U.S. as the hood, can update your paint job and give an old car a new look. Some older cars would have had bonnet stripes or racing stripes on them originally, but they have been covered up over the years with new paint jobs. You can choose any color of stripe you want, but commonly white is used on a dark colored car, and black is used if you have a lighter car.


1. Apply your stencil or mark out the stripes with masking tape.

2. Sand the area you will be painting with the 1000-grit sandpaper until you have removed the current layers of paint. This will help the new paint to stick to your bonnet.

3. Wipe the area with the car degreaser, using a cloth.

4. Spray the aerosol primer over the whole area which will be receiving the stripes. Put one thin layer on, wait one minute and then put on another layer.

5. Paint on your stripes by spraying the aerosol lacquer paint. You will need to apply three to four coats.

6. Apply two layers of the clear coat paint, when the final layer is dry you can remove your stencil or masking tape.