Paint your own barn scene using these simple steps.
Capture the peace and serenity of the farming life by painting your own barn scene. Whether you decide to paint the classic red barn or a more modern barn with towering grain silos, being the creator of your own scene allows you to portray a farm life that is nostalgic or aesthetically appealing to you. Before you begin the painting process, search through your photos -- or find one in a magazine -- that features the barn scene you would like to paint.
1. Sketch the outline for your barn scene. Using your reference picture as a guide, lightly sketch out an outline of where you would like to place your barn, any trees or livestock, hills or background scenery. You will first paint the large outlined areas in colored washes, and add the sketched details such as livestock and trees in later.
2. Dip your flat watercolor paintbrush in water until the bristles are saturated. Looking at your reference picture, select a shade of watercolor that you would like to use for the foreground of the painting. Gather watercolor paint onto the brush and paint it onto the paper. You want the paint to have a watery consistency, to create a wash.
3. Dip the brush in the water to clean it. Squeeze any residual paint from the bristles, using a rag.
4. Saturate the brush's bristles with water and gather a shade of paint you wish to use for the background. Paint a wash for the background, as well as the sky and barn. Thoroughly clean the brush before gathering a new shade of paint.
5. Let the washes completely dry.
6. Add details to the painting. Gather paint onto a No. 2 brush to add texture to the grassy foreground and barn. Use the reference picture to select the colors you will need to detail each piece of the picture. Continue to detail the painting until it resembles the reference picture or meets your satisfaction.
7. Add other objects to the painting, such as livestock, trees, and farmers. Allow the painting to dry thoroughly before moving or mounting it.