Monday, May 19, 2014

Photoshop An Image Into A Cloud

Most camera settings produce a photograph in a rectangle format. While this may be ideal for many occasions, it's not exactly the most artistic or creative shape. The sky is literally the limit when you use Photoshop to re-shape images. Open an image in Photoshop and shape it into a cloud, using a couple of Photoshop's quick tools. No airplanes, parachutes or rocket ships required to shape images into clouds with Photoshop, just reach for the sky.


1. Open Photoshop. Click the "File" menu. Click "Open." Locate the image to turn into a cloud and double-click to open it on the Photoshop work area.

2. Right-click the shape tool on the "Tools" pane. The tool may have the appearance of a gray star, circle, square or line. Select "Custom Shape Tool" from the fly-out menu.

3. Pull down the "Shape" menu and select the cloud shape. If you don't see the cloud, click the right-pointing arrow in a circle and select "All," then click "Append" and rescroll through the list. Leave the "Color" rectangle as it is -- you're only using the cloud as a shape guide, not putting it on the actual final image.

4. Position the cursor on the image work area. Click and drag the mouse to form the cloud shape. Release the mouse button and the cloud appears, obscuring the image.

5. Click the Background layer in the "Layers" palette so it is highlighted in blue. Right-click the third-from-the-top icon on the "Tools" pane and select the "Magnetic Lasso Tool." Draw an outline around the cloud's outline, the tool will help the cursor "stick" to the cloud shape. When blinking dotted lines surround the cloud, right-click them and click "Select Inverse."

6. Pull down the "Edit" menu and click "Cut." The non-cloud part of the picture is removed.

7. Right-click the Shape 1 layer -- which holds the cloud -- on the "Layers" palette. Select "Delete Layer." Click "Yes." The cloud is removed and you are left with just the image in a cloud shape.