Monday, May 26, 2014

Paint A Tropical Sky

Use blue and white, primarily, to depict the sky.

Tropical landscapes have captivated the human eye since time immemorial. The languid azures of the sky and billowy whites of the clouds in the tropics lend themselves nicely to paint and canvas. Tropical skies can be rendered over beach scenes or the green of the rainforest. To paint a tropical sky, start with a sketch from which to work with, then build up the colors, and add details until the image is complete.


1. Sketch out in pencil what you want to paint. You can draw the sketch on paper or on the painting surface. Delineate the lines of clouds, beach, trees, etc.

2. Put down a base layer of off-white or very light blue. You will build upon this layer to bring out the image of the sky.

3. Mix different shades of blue on your palette to mimic the different hues in the sky.

4. Apply the blue paints in an uneven fashion across the surface of the sky. Draw the brush out so the paint goes on thinly in some areas, while in others, apply paint with greater thickness. This imitates the natural unevenness of a tropical sky.

5. Dip your brush in white or off-white and paint clouds over the blue. Start by lightly mottling the paint to bring out the wispiness of clouds, and slowly build more opaque cloud shapes as desired.

6. Add a layer or trees or beach at the bottom of the canvas, for perspective and detail. Or add tropical birds in the sky for a more tropical touch.