Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Mix Oil Paint Pigments

Mix Oil Paint Pigments

Before the invention of the paint tube in the mid-19th century, artists commonly mixed their own paints. Today, the vast majority of artists buy their paint premixed and packaged in paint tubes. Still, some artists choose to grind and mix their own pigments. In order to mix one's own oil paints, the artist must purchase the correct materials and experiment with the right proportions. This takes time and patience, but the process gives the artist an intimate understanding of the medium.


1. Heat the linseed oil in a double-boiler and mix it with approximately 2 percent beeswax. When the ingredients have been thoroughly mixed, the oil should cool for one day in an airless container.

2. Set up your materials and put on your safety equipment. Remember to wear your mask, because pigments can easily become airborne and some are highly toxic.

3. Mix the pigment with the linseed oil mixture you prepared the day before. Do this on the grinding surface, grinding the pigment with the oil in a circular motion. Note that the final mixture will be 60 percent to 80 percent pigment. The exact proportions will depend on the type of pigment and oil you're using.

4. Continue to mash the pigment and oil, adding more pigment and oil as necessary. Grind the mixture into a smooth paste.

5. Use a spatula to gather the paint when it's finished and place it in an airtight container for storage.