Friday, January 17, 2014

Hand Paint Tiles

Hand paint tiles in a variety of designs and colors.

Hand painting tiles is a fun project for both children and adults. Painted designs are only limited by the artist's imagination. From motifs matching a decorating style to personalized tiles holding family memories, these tiles have a variety of uses including wall finishes, coasters and kitchen trivets. Instead of spending a lot on purchased painted tiles, enjoy saving money by creating your unique works of art on plain tiles.


1. Wash the tile with soap and water. Dry it thoroughly.

2. Wipe the tile surface with alcohol to remove any residue that would prevent the paint from adhering to the tile.

3. Use a paint pattern either purchased from a craft supply store (see Resources) or personally designed to begin painting the outline of the desired design. Let dry before proceeding.

4. Paint in the smaller areas, shading over the larger areas where needed. How the areas are painted is largely at the discretion of the painter and the complexity of the paint design.

5. Finish the design by outlining with black or a contrasting color to create more depth in the design. Allow to dry completely overnight.

6. Bake tiles in an oven according to the paint manufacture's guidelines.