Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Make Stereograms

Some stereograms require a stereogram viewer.

Stereograms are optical illusions that trick your brain into seeing two one-dimensional images as a single three-dimensional object. Stereograms are easy to create using either text or graphics. Using text is the easiest way for a beginner to make a stereogram. You can use any word processing application to create your own text stereogram in a matter of minutes.


1. Open your favorite word processing program and create a new document. Find the text alignment options and click on the "Center" option so the text is automatically aligned in the center of the page. If your processor doesn't have "Center" press the space bar until your cursor is located in the middle of the screen.

2. Press the asterisk button. On most keyboards it is located on the "8" key and is represented with the asterisks symbol, "*." Hit the space bar 10 times and press the asterisk button a second time.

3. Press the "Enter" or "Return" button on your keyboard two times so there is a blank line between the asterisks and the cursor.

4. Press the "Left Align" text button so any new text will be left-justified. It is important for the asterisk to remain center aligned. However, all text following the asterisks will be left-aligned.

5. Type a simple word such as "Have." Press the space bar 10 times and type the word again. Follow it with 10 more spaces and repeat this process five times or until the word is written across the width of the page without starting a new line. It is important that there are 10 spaces following each word. Press the "Enter" or "Return" key twice to skip a line before starting the next line.

6. Type a second simple word "Take." Press the space bar eight times and type the word again. Follow it with eight more spaces and repeat this process five times or until the word is written across the width of the page without starting a new line. It is important that there are eight spaces following each word.

7. Move your face close to your computer screen so the two asterisks appear to be three asterisks. The first row of words should appear closer while the second row of words should appear set back.