When you are attempting to copy the behavior and actions of another then you are impersonating them. An impressionist is a person who impersonates multiple celebrities as a part of their stage act. There is a huge difference between assuming someone's identity and impersonating them. Assuming a person's identity is illegal. In the political arena, an impersonator or decoy is sometimes used as a security tool. Read on to learn more.
1. Decide who it is you are so enamored with that you want to be like them.
2. Study the actions and behaviors of the famous person. Buy, borrow or rent videos of their shows and interviews.
3. Relax and pay attention to your own mannerisms. Make a list of your ticks and gestures-create a video of yourself and study it with all the other tapes of the famous person you want to impersonate.
4. Perform in front of as many people as you can find. Enter competitions and entertain at parties. Practice will be the key to your success.
5. Establish a name for yourself locally with your impressions. Perform in bars and clubs as much as possible. Give interviews and always keep the next step in mind.
6. Search constantly for better venues to perform. Invite agents and club owners to your performances.
7. Create a new you. Become the famous person you want to impersonate.