Thursday, January 24, 2013

Fix Bird Droppings On Paint

Use care when cleaning bird droppings from painted surfaces.

Bird droppings contain bacteria and acids that can cause staining and destruction of painted surfaces. Clean bird droppings as soon as possible to minimize damage to painted surfaces. There is a different approach to cleaning the droppings whether the droppings are still wet, partially dried or fully dried. Use the correct cleaning procedure for each kind of dropping to ensure minimum damage to the paint.


1. Put on rubber gloves and a ventilation mask while cleaning bird droppings. Bird droppings contain bacteria that can cause irritation or even illness in humans. Always take care to use proper protective gear when cleaning bird droppings, especially if there is a large buildup of droppings.

2. Wipe wet droppings with a wet cloth. Spray the area with an all-purpose cleaner to remove any remaining residue.

3. Spray partially dried bird droppings with water to soften them. Allow the water to sit for about five minutes. Spray the dropping with an all-purpose cleaner. Use the plastic scraper to scrape the droppings away from the surface. Dispose of the droppings in a trash receptacle. Spray the area with all-purpose cleaner once more and wipe clean with a damp cloth.

4. Clean dried bird droppings or large quantities of droppings with a bird-dropping enzyme cleaner. Find this solution at pet supply stores, garden stores and hardware stores. Ensure the solution is safe for use on painted surfaces. Spray the surface with the enzyme spray and then allow it to sit on the droppings for about 10 minutes. Scrape the droppings away with the plastic scraper and then wipe away any remaining residue with a damp cloth and all-purpose cleaner.